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Rise of Cultures – Baue eine Stadt, schalte alte Zivilisationen frei und kämpfe strategisch!
Erkunde eine geheimnisvolle Welt, erlebe Abenteuer und unterstütze dein Dorf!
Führe deine Stadt aus der Steinzeit durch die Jahrhunderte und schmiede ein Imperium!
Entscheide dich für die Elfen oder die Menschen und errichte eine mystische Stadt in einer fantastischen Welt!
Errichte prächtige Städte, schmiede mächtige Bündnisse, nutze die Macht der Götter und erobere die Welt!
Tribal Wars 2 – erbaue und befestige deine mittelalterliche Burg
Erkunde neues Land und erlebe spannende Abenteuer und Duelle! The West erwartet dich!
Game speed | 1 |
Unit speed | 1 |
Resource production factor | 1 |
Barbarian village spawning | 5% chance when a player joins the world |
Bonus village spawning | 5% chance when a player joins the world |
Ability to demolish buildings | Active |
Morale | Points based |
Milliseconds | Active |
Fake limit | 1% of the village points |
Research System | Simplified research |
Church | Active |
Watchtower | Active |
Quest System | Active |
Achievements | Active |
Growing barbarian villages | Active up to 1500 points |
Bonus villages | Bonus villages enabled |
Time frame for cancelling attacks | 10 minutes |
Time frame for cancelling transports | 5 minutes |
Night bonus | Active from 23:00 until 7:00, +100% additional defense against attacks. |
Protection for beginners | 5 days |
Max attack ratio (attacker:defender) | 20:1 for the first 60 days |
Flags | Active |
Scavenging | Active |
Hauls | Active |
Stronghold | Inactive |
Archers | Active |
Scout system | The scout can report troops, buildings, resources and foreign units |
Paladin | Active, skills can be learned. |
Militia | Active |
Purchased using | Gold coins |
Max nobleman travel distance | 70 fields |
Loyalty decrease per nobleman attack | 20-35 |
Loyalty increase per hour | 1 |
Tribe member limit | 40 |
Ability to attack tribe members | Attacks vs tribe members do not turn into visits and thus deal damage |
Tribe levels | Active |
Account sitting | Active |
Account sitting restrictions | Restricted sitter access after an account has been sat 30 days within the last 60 days. |
Free trading | Active, time restriction based on the start of the individual player |
Support outside tribe | Supporting villages outside player's tribe is possible |
Ability to select starting direction | Active, move to friends enabled |
Victory requirements | After 180 days, one tribe must hold at least 60% of the player villages for 14 days |
Start date | Jul 06,2022 08:39 |
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